Sunday, March 15, 2009

Red Rocks and Bison

This weekend has been awesome weather!  Will had the day off Friday - and I got off at 11AM so after running just a couple errands we hit I-70 West to where ever we felt like going - we didn't have an objective when we left.  Unfortunately I was not much fun.  I ended up sleeping in the car, ha!  I was so tired.  But when I did wake up we were at Red Rocks.  Neither of us had been before ... granted I have lived here only a year and a half - but Will has no excuse for not going before now - but either way it was neat - even if I was exhausted!  It was smaller than I expected, the actual amphitheater that is, but the view was amazing!  And they're not lying when they say RED rock.

It was a rather smoggy day - but in the far left view you can (kinda) see downtown Denver.
Will was snapping photos when I didn't know. 
I was busy taking my own photos.
The amphitheater with a view of the never-ending plains behind it.
Along I-70 is a herd of Bison.  I was shocked!
But really the view behind them was cool (minus the highway) 
you can barely see the snow capped mountains on the right side.
Much better in person.

Overall though it was a great week.  I went and saw an oral surgeon last Monday and he gave me some antibiotics and told me to swish hydrogen peroxide - and my gums are sooo much better! Almost healed I would say!  That was a horrible experience - but I am much more grateful for my healthy teeth now - and I promise to always take good care of them.  I had a bad experience and never want that again!

Wednesday we had the missionaries over for dinner: fiesta chicken.  It was a good time.  They had to try to fill their quota of 20 lessons a week so they gave us the first discussion of the Restoration of the Gospel.  I have never personally heard a missionary discussion before, so that was neat.

Saturday I got some unexpected over-time at work.  It was crummy that I had to be to work at 7AM on a Saturday ... but I am happy for the 6 hours of over-time!  Our trip to San Diego seems to be getting sweeter and sweeter.  : )

I also finished my application to University of Colorado Denver today.  I just realized the financial aid deadline is April 1st!  That is so soon - so I had to get my application in asap.  One less thing to worry about - now I just have to wait to hear back - yikes.

Will is doing well at work.  If I haven't said before - he was promoted to Kitchen Designer at Home Depot right before we got married.  He has been doing so well.  He has basically become the "go-to" guy for most departments ... mostly the ones he doesn't work in!  He has also been developing his photography skills.  He has signed up for a photography workshop next month - and has also joined a photography association to help him learn more skills and network. Our goal is to open a portrait studio someday - and all these classes/workshops help him learn the business.  He has also been spending a lot of time perfecting his website.  We're very excited for what our future holds for us!  

We hope you have a great week!  

Don't forget to wear green on Tuesday!!

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