Saturday, December 3, 2011

I Have A 5 Month Old

So I know I set a goal a while back to do 100 posts in the next year ... and thus far I am failing miserably. To reach that goal, I would have had to do about two posts a week, when I am still averaging about one post a month! I still would like to reach this goal - so I guess I better start blogging more! 3-4 posts PER WEEK would be ideal, but lets not get our hopes up. :)

Folks, this is crazy .... I have a 5 month old child. He truly is more of a child and less of a baby these days (or at least to me). He eats food now (not just formula). He LOVES his peas and carrots and sweet potatoes. He bounces in his jumperoo like a kid on crack. He adores that toy- see proof in video below. He sleeps on his belly every night, and I've come to accept it. He scooches all over the place on his back - and I keep checking for bald spots on the back of his head because of this. He doesn't fight sleep as often anymore - and bedtime has become quite lovely, in fact. Getting up in the middle of the night is not quite the norm anymore, and surely staying up an hour in the middle of the night is very rare these days. He loves being read to, but really - he loves to reach out and touch the pages of the book (cardboard pages have become a necessity). If we are eating dinner at the table (or restaurant) - Marshall prefers to be in on the action too. He wants to sit on my lap during meals so he can be there. He likes to pull plates and drinks toward him. His "really cool toys" from the early days like playmats and regular bouncers don't get used as much anymore. He can sit up in the corner of the couch by himself for quite some time. One of these days he'll advance to no support while sitting - hopefully by Christmas. His teeth are coming in - and I fully expect to just see them arrive one day out of the blue. He is in a very cuddly phase right now - and I love it. He still prefers Mom for sleepy/cuddle time and Dad for play/giggle time. He is my sweet, sensitive boy and we can see his personality emerge more and more everyday - and I love it!

Will captured this photo. Marshall has always been the most finicky sleeper. He must be cuddled to fall asleep most of the time (unless in the car) - but in the middle of his jumping craziness it went silent. Shocking!! He actually fell asleep on his own!! We have reached a new phase, folks.

Both M and I have been sick this past week, and the next few photos show that. This first one is particularly sad. Don't mind the sicky, drooly grossness on his chin. Poor kiddo.
Post-bath. This is one happy kid. We've been using the "soothing bath" with the menthol smell. Its wonderful for sick babies. :)
Sick mom and baby at Olive Garden for lunch. Nothing like soup and breadsticks when you feel crummy!

He wasn't so sure about the no hands thing.

This video was taken Thanksgiving day...

I noticed today that this blog used to consist entirely of photos of Will and myself. We no longer take photos of just the two of us anymore. We rarely take photos together at all anymore. Another goal - get more photos of the husband and wife - not just baby. Probably should get more photos of daddy with baby too, and not just mommy with baby - haha. I also pretty much suck at taking photos of events now, too. Another goal - take more photos during events of people other than just Marshall. We got a total of two pictures on Thanksgiving. One which was just the food - and the other of just the women who made the food. Haha.

Let me tell you, just three words - crock pot stuffing. Yum-O.
I will forever make stuffing in a crock pot only.
From left to right - my sister Janelle, sister in-law Shannon and mother in-law Sheryl, then me. The boys didn't get a photo. Sorry boys! :)
Thanksgiving this year was pretty awesome. Low-key and delicious. Will and I even got to take a nap! With Marshall's sleep schedule, and the fact that he doesn't usually nap longer than 30-45 min. we never nap. Will's mom and sister watched Marshall for us while we napped after our huge dinner and it was heavenly!

The next morning, my sister Janelle and I did the Black Friday thing. Well, at midnight and 5 am we did the Black Friday thing. Kohl's at midnight (for a new crock pot) and Home Depot at 5am (for a new pre-lit tree). Yes, I got one the the last ones! Black Friday while having a baby under 1 is difficult. Marshall didn't go with me, but just knowing that I couldn't sleep all day after shopping all night was the tough part. Thankfully, we were not out all night and luckily its only one day a year.

I love Thanksgiving - but I love when Thanksgiving is over, because I can then officially start celebrating Christmas (because I technically start before Thanksgiving, but it is finally acceptable the following day!). I will do a better job of documenting Christmas than I did of Thanksgiving. Well, at least I'll try. :)

1 comment:

Kati Howard said...

Peggy. You should do auto post! I do like 10 at a time and then you can schedule them to go one each day (you select Post Options and pick a day and time)... I do it when I have a few consecutive hours and then I don't have to think about blogging for another week. It's divine. Maybe it can help you reach your goal this year?

M is getting really big. He is looking more "grown up", but just wait til he's a toddler and even getting close to school age. Yikes. My boys are growing fast.

I agree... it IS hard to take pictures of the 'parents', kids are just too cute, and we spend all the time behind the camera. Good luck in your goals and Merry (early) Christmas. :)