Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Goodbye My Precious...

We are getting rid of CABLE!
After thinking about it for a while I've made the decision (more like commitment) that I would downgrade our Comcast to only high-speed internet. Currently we have expanded cable - and admittedly, I watch it too much. Will on the other hand, never watches cable. He plays video games or streams tv shows on the Xbox. I have found that I have a select few shows I like to watch (Secret Life of the American Teenager, Make It or Break It, Little Couple, Cake Boss, Real Housewives of (enter place) County, 18 Kids and Counting, etc.) If you didn't catch it, I tend to watch mass amounts of TLC and ABC Family. But the best part is most of my shows I can find whole episodes of ONLINE ... for FREE!

The more important part of downgrading is more time to do other (more fulfilling) things. I start my online classes for Community College of Denver at the end of August (Chemistry & Sociology) and I really don't need the distraction. I'm also going to focus on playing with digital scrapbooking more - and I've been toying with the idea of starting piano lessons again, which that extra fifty bucks would be beneficial for. Anyone know any good piano teachers in the Denver Metro area??

All in all, it will be better for me not to have cable (Will is not going to notice a difference at all since he doesn't even use it). I've already called the cable company - now I just have to take the leap and drop the box off at the service center. We shall see when that happens.

.... so a while ago I FINALLY registered my car in Colorado. I mean I've only lived here about 2 years now - but I finally made it official. We had to document it - and now I'm finally sharing it!

Will was nice enough to swap out my plates!
He also thought it was important to "blur" the plates
for security reasons on the internet. LOL - so goofy!
Kinda lame how you cant even see the plate! But nice try Will : )

Oh, and can't forget....
We are headed to Washington this Thursday night - and we are jazzed!!!

P.S. - I found out today that I'm getting promoted at work. Yay! From Office Services Coordinator to SENIOR Office Services Coordinator. LOL.


Natalie said...

Great idea to downgrade to just cable internet. I watch too much tv myself and would love to cut out the cable but it is apart of our "rent" here so we sort of can't. I have to learn self control, haha. Congrats on your tags, thats always a good thing. Have fun on your trip!

Jennifer Kartchner said...

Omg! I love make it or break it! It's cheesy and drama filled but I can't help but watch it! I'm a sucker for gymnastics!
Giving up cable is such a good idea! It will definitely help you to not watch useless tv! Like I do everyday!
The online scrapbooking thing you were talking about, my mom just told me that close to my heart is going to start offering a program online that you make the pages using their stuff with your photos and then they print it out for you! I know there are lots of other online scrapbooking places but close to my heart has so much stuff you can use and it's so cute!
Anyways good luck with all your free time!